Conference Agenda

Read the abstract of papers. Registered participants can access the sessions, where the Zoom links can be found.

Full Workshop Schedule
17 - 21 Oct, 2021
Virtually from Kanazawa, Japan
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Plenary Talk
Plenary: Short Packets over Wireless Fading Networks
To support the Internet-of-Things vision of enabling distributed autonomous systems operating in real time, we need a new wireless infrastructure, able to provide highly reliable and low-latency connectivity to a large number of sporadically active devices transmitting short data packets. In this talk, I will illustrate how to use recent results from finite-blocklength information theory to optimally design such a wireless infrastructure. Scenarios that are relevant for 5G and beyond will be presented. In particular, I will discuss how to support low-latency, ultra-reliable communications in both cellular and cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output architectures.
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Social Event
Gather (link to Gather is in this session)
Closing ceremony:  Announcement of upcoming events (ISIT2022, ITW2022, and ESIT 2022), Today's lottery, Closing remarks.
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Invited Session
Low Latency
One of the four invited sessions at ITW2021, this session has six presentations on low-latency coding and related areas.